I’m Not The Man

[audio:https://jamiehalmick.com/audio/im-not-the-man.mp3|titles=I'm Not The Man|artists=Jamie Halmick]

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You're alone in that pointed house
I'm in a large state in the rain
And I hope you aren't thinking about
Where we've been for too long now

Because I'm not the man you met
I'm not the man that got you wet
I'm not the man that took you out of there
And set you free

When we were younger and stronger
We cared about the unimportant things
It's how everything matters when nothing does
That makes it a fearless run in that rain

Now I'm not the man you met
I'm not the man that got you wet
I'm not the man that took you out of there
And set you free

So just don't think about it too long
Don't wonder about the wonder that you don't have
Just stay warm and dry and I'll come back
I'll come back to you

You know I'm the man you met
I am the man that got you wet
I'm the man that took you out of there
And took you with me

Capo 3rd fret

C-G-F-C (walk bass string and downbeat)



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One Response to I’m Not The Man

  1. kathie l. says:

    I think this is my favorite of the ones I have listened too….love the cello!

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